Client - City of Edmonton
Tastawiyniwak, Sspomitapi, Anirniq – when confronted with these unfamiliar word formations, a lot of frustration and debate tends to arise. Especially, as the City of Edmonton municipal wards were redrawn and subsequently changed from numbers to Indigenous names. Working alongside Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Community Stakeholders, we set out to combat that frustration through a 12 part video series and supplementary social media graphics. Each video focussed on the pronunciation, story, and meaning behind the 12 newly named wards. The goal was to quickly introduce citizens to the story behind the name, and help overcome any hesitation they may have around the pronounciation. The Indigenous Ward Naming Knowledge Committee was made up of 17 women from First Nations in Treaty No. 6,7,8, as well as Metis and Inuit representatives. Inspired by these women and the history they shared, we felt it was important to hear the stories in the unique tone and cadence of their voice. We then crafted visual and audio accompaniments to bring this important history to life.
Video – tastawiyiniwak
Video – Indigenous Ward Names
Video – Pihesiwin
Video – Anirniq
Video – Sspomitapi
Video – Metis