2013 Fearless Client


Crotches Kill Texting and Driving Campaign

Alberta Government, Office of Traffic Safety

Crotches Kill :30
ANNCR: There you go again, driving and being completely enthralled by your crotch. Quick glances, long stares – you just can’t take your eyes off it. But, the problem is: crotches kill. Because every time you send that text message from your lap, your eyes are off the road for five very long seconds. We all know what you’re doing down there. Join the cause – leave your phone out of reach when you drive. Because texting kills. Visit youarethecure.ca. A message from the Government of Alberta.

With a well-entrenched problem and a small budget, our client recognized the need to be provocative in order to reduce texting and driving. They continually fought for the creative at every level of approvals, knowing the colourful language isn’t necessarily something government would typically use.


CD Ryan Kelly & Dennis Lenarduzzi
AD Regan Fraser
CW Sasha Newton
AC Phil Filliatreault, Shellee Ritzman-Johnson
AK Randy Cronin: Senior Strategist

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